Found in the Closet

November 23rd, 2011

While cleaning out my bedroom closet, I came across a bag I’d forgotten to sort. My mother delivered it last year, I think from my Auntie Mary but maybe from my Gram. It contained a fascinating assortment of mid-20th century treasures.

Sock Needles

Three sets of plastic sock needles.


Garish plastic buttons.

Palm Tree Fabric

A fat quarter of palm-tree printed fabric.

Zip Her

“Zip Her” — a gadget for closing your own dress from behind.


Printed hankies.


Black gloves with buttons, alas way too small to fit my unnaturally long fingers.

Wooden Oddities

Wooden things, including two (on the right) that seem to be for darning, and (on the left) a barbell.

There were two other things in the bag, but they are so monumentally “cool” that I am saving them for individual posts.

  • Zoh says:

    Awesome! I love all this stuff!

    I can’t tell whether the zip-her is hilarious and awesome or totally depressing! Somehow the idea of zipping your own dress, sans maid, partner, or family member, seems kinda sad. OTOH – useful!

    I love those plastic buttons. I want to make a bring pink and yellow plaid chanel-style skirt suit and throw those puppies on the jacket, ha ha! (I think I just lost my goth membership card based on that comment).

    • eva says:

      Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about your button fantasies! Besides, it’s all about the accessories…

      My only problem with the Zip Her is that I don’t think it would work so well in taking your dress off. So you can get in on your own, but need help getting out? Weird.

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