Waltzing Away
May 3rd, 2012
Our new house came with a beautiful (and very special as it belonged to one of our dear friends) baby grand piano on long-term loan. It’s been more than a decade since I’ve lived with a piano, and I had no idea how much I missed having one around!
I guess I’ve got waltzes on my mind. In between practicing “Merry Widow Waltz” for the upcoming show, I’ve been reacquainting myself with songs learnt in piano lessons of yore. Including my favorite by Chopin, his Grande Valse Brillante.
Turns out it was written in 1833 and published in 1834 by the prolific Polish composer. I started learning it in the early1990s, and will probably never play it very well. Especially the movement with all the little grace notes…
Here, mostly to satisfy your insatiable curiosity, o best beloveds, is a recording I made this morning of the first two movements, mistakes and all.
There’s just something wonderful about a waltz!
I enjoyed this! Yes the waltz is charming, as well as your playing!
Also I enjoy your new website design.
I’ve always wanted a pipe organ in my house. Unless I move into a church though I suspect it won’t happen. ; )
Thank you, thank you!
You and a pipe organ are the stuff of destiny. Don’t know where, don’t know when, but it will happen! And I will come over to hear you play…