Real Pumpkin Pie
November 26th, 2011
There was a shortage of carving pumpkins this year, thanks to some inclement late summer weather. So for Hallowe’en this year I bought a pair of petite pie pumpkins to make Jack O’ Lanterns. Only I was too tired to carve them. They sat on my kitchen shelf for nearly a month before I decided to use them in a Thanksgiving pie.
This was the first time I’d ever used real pumpkins — not canned. According to the directions I found online, the first step was to cut the pumpkins open and scrape out the seeds and pulp.
I washed the seeds and put them aside to dry out and roast the next day.
Apparently it doesn’t really matter how you cook the remaining pumpkin flesh. Microwave, oven, or steamer. Steamer seemed the best choice in my tiny garret kitchen.
After about 20 minutes, the pumpkin was dark and soft and fragrant. As soon as the pieces were cool enough to hold, I scraped it off the skin.
It looked a little stringy at first, but after a good stir with the fork, voila!
I needed 2 cups of pumpkin (plus 1/2 cup brown sugar, 3 beaten eggs, 1/2 cup heavy cream, and spices to taste) for my pie filling. I had about 2 and a half cups in all, so I put the remainder away for later. I poured the mixture into my crust and . . .
Last Thursday of November
November 24th, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope this finds you well fed and enjoying time with family or friends.
We all know that Thanksgiving is a celebration of the Pilgrims and their first successful harvest (thanks in large part to the friendly Native American Indians who helped them). But have you ever wondered why we celebrate it on the last Thursday in November? Especially since that’s not when historians think the Pilgrims’ original Thanksgiving actually took place?
Illustration by Frank Leslie, from a collection of his Civil War illustrations published in 1896 (from Clip Art Etc.)
It’s all due to Sarah Josepha Hale, the editrix of popular woman’s magazine Godey’s Lady’s Book. She spent more than a decade writing editorials and agitating for the official adoption of the Thanksgiving holiday. Here’s an excerpt from her 1861 harangue, I mean plea:
“The way is already prepared; for the last ten years or more the idea of our American national Thanksgiving has been gradually growing in favor and becoming an observance in all our States and Territories. The last Thursday in November has thus been known as the American Festival Day, and for the last three years has been observed by Americans in European cities and wherever our countrymen could meet together. It has been kept on board our fleets in the Mediterranean, African, and Brazilian stations; our missionaries in India, China, Africa have approved of this festival, and last year it was observed by our countrymen in Japan. Hon. Townsend Harris, American ambassador to that empire, inclosed in a letter to us his proclamation setting apart, in conformity with American custom, the last Thursday in November as a day of public Thanksgiving to Almighty God.”
Until S. J. Hale began her campaign, the American feast of Thanksgiving had been celebrated unofficially on different dates in different places for centuries. Official declarations of the holiday had been limited to single occurrences. She was finally able to declare victory when President Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving a permanent national holiday in 1863. It was hoped that the new holiday might help bring peace to the Civil-War-torn nation.
I just did the math: this year, America celebrates her 148th Thanksgiving. Hurrah for Sarah Josepha Hale! Hurrah for Abraham Lincoln! Hurrah for the Pilgrims!
As the sign outside the restaurant that took over the old punk rock club CBGB in NYC says, “Gobble Gobble Hey!”*
*Apologies to anyone who doesn’t get this joke.
November 12th, 2011
I snapped this picture last week while rushing from here to there through Washington Square Park. Perhaps it’s my imagination, but the leaves seem much more colorful this year. Usually they don’t get so vivid in the City. Something lacking in the fall weather I believe. But here they are, revealing at least a little of that vibrancy that makes the New England season famous.
It’s fitting that the local arboretums should put on their best this year, since it may be the last time I see fall colors for some time…
Happy Hallowe’en
October 31st, 2011
Halloween, with costumes and candy (or booze, in our neighborhood, just a few blocks from the famed Greenwich Village Halloween Parade) is a modern invention. It was, of course, originally All Hallows Eve, the night before All Saints Day, which is then followed by All Souls Day. The paganish roots of the customs we now keep are often traced to the Gaelic harvest festival of Samhain.
Most mid-19th century Americans did not celebrate Hallowe’en, though the Irish immigrants were rumored to carve turnips into funny faces and place candles inside. These little lanterns placed in a window would keep away the roaming spirits, given free reign for one night a year.
I was curious to see if there were any books mentioning Hallowe’en in the mid-19th century, and I came up with this gem:
Declension of Independence
July 4th, 2011
It’s the Fourth of July, also known as American Independence Day, the commemoration of the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Traditionally, Americans celebrate with parades, ceremonies, picnics, and firework displays.
In the absence of any of these typical forms of commemoration this year, I contemplated taking part in a more recent July Fourth tradition: shopping. Many of the big chain stores in SoHo are holding giant sales today, and I am in great need of a pair of purple flip flops. But…my impulse towards commercialism was easily quelled. And I spent the afternoon instead doing my laundry and lounging between loads in nearby Washington Square Park.
While at the park, I whiled away the minutes with my latest novel, The Mill on the Floss (hello George Eliot) and my long-forgotten Latin text, Dr. Smith’s Principia Latina. Since I haven’t looked at in nearly a year, I was forced to begin again. So if you ran into a young woman wearing an enormous straw hat, reciting the ablative forms of the first declension under her breath, that was probably me.
P.S. July 4th is also the fake birthday of Louis Armstrong…
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