Busy Bee

February 10th, 2011

I’ve been quite distracted lately — so many projects in various stages of completion.

  • My practice stays are finally ready for binding (more on that soon, plus discoveries about my ill-fated busk).
  • I’m well past the half-way mark on my broderie anglaise petticoat frill.
  • I’ve got the materials ready to start work on a pair of broderie anglaise undersleeves (like these, with thanks to Hal for sending the link).
  • Two workshops on 19th-century Hand-Sewing are coming up: March 23 at the Merchant’s House Museum and April 9 at Trade School.
  • The New York Nineteenth Century Society is starting up in real earnest now, with regular meetings, events, and a sewing circle.
  • I hope to write a novel that is part Thomas Hardy, part D. H. Lawrence, and part Elizabeth Gaskell (long story, don’t ask).
  • As soon as the practice stays are completed, I must begin fitting dresses.
  • I need a new spring wardrobe for everyday modern(ish) wear.
  • One of my very dearest friends is getting married, and I am in her wedding!
  • Etc.


Sometimes I do feel rather as if I was being bombarded by a pack of anthropomorphized playing cards…

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