Look Out Edward VII

May 29th, 2011

Just as I was beginning to weary of Prinny’s antics, my latest impulse purchase from Amazon.com arrived.


I try to be selective in my purchase of historic costuming books, lest I overwhelm my limited budget, not to mention shelf space. There are so many intriguing titles available! I was sorely tempted to purchase a compendium of Regency era fashion plates, but the price tag was a tad high, and despite my recent adventures (some of which you know, some of which I shall tell when I am able), I am really not that interested in the period (at least that’s what I keep telling myself).

I’m very pleased with The Edwardian Modiste. It’s a clearly printed, comprehensive volume of virtually un-edited fashion patterns from 1905-1909. At first glance, I’d heartily recommend it to any experienced sewer/pattern maker interested in the period.

It’s been more than a decade since I sewed anything Edwardian — since I was a volunteer tour guide at Rockwood Mansion in my early teens. Yet it remains one of my favorite periods in historic fashion. Perhaps because I have such warm memories of my time at Rockwood. Or maybe I’m a masochist — the Grecian Bend is truly the most uncomfortable corset ever devised.

I have sworn off sewing for a few weeks, and projects are already stacked up awaiting my return. So it will likely be some time before I can begin on anything from my new book. But perhaps by the time I do, my dear friend and talented seamstress over at Costume & Construction will be finished with her own Edwardian confection.

  • zoh says:

    Wow, how did I miss this post before?!

    The pattern book looks amazing. I had been attempting to draft my own pattern from scratch, and while that’s interesting to learn the shapes of the era, I think working from period patterns and then making the necessary size adjustments might be a better way to go.

    • eva says:

      Let’s have a pattern day when I get back! I also want to make a ribbon corset. Jill Salen gives a pattern in her book of 19th-century corsets, from about 1905.

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