
January 29th, 2011

In 1888, New York suffered such a violent blizzard that it remains legend to this day. This picture of Trinity Church was taken in the aftermath of that storm.

1888 Blizzard

Notice the people standing up to their hips in snow banks? I guess we don’t have that much to complain about this winter after all. Even so, with more than 20 inches of snow this past week alone, you can’t blame me for keeping mostly indoors. I slosh back and forth between my garret and the Museum two times each day, and to the grocery store when I simply can’t avoid it.*

I just can’t bring myself to trek uptown to a trim store. So I’ve decided to use a piece of twill fabric to case the busk on my stays instead of waiting for webbing. I’m using zip ties instead of real boning, so a piece of fabric instead of webbing can’t be too much worse. And there’s no reason it should affect the fitting experiments I plan to conduct with this first pair of stays.

*I actually love the snow. I grew up in the Mid-Atlantic piedmont region, and have spent many a happy afternoon hiking (or occasionally riding on horseback)  through silent and glistening fields, bordered by forests blanketed in snow. But in New York City, the snow is shoveled into dirty heaps as soon as it falls. The result is slushy, gritty, ugly streets; filled with miserable people trying to dig out their cars.