Free Reading
April 2nd, 2011
I’d like to make you an unusual offer. Since my garret is very small, I can’t afford to keep many books around; I generally donate my books back to Housing Works when I’m through with them (excepting the 100-or-so carefully-chosen permanent occupants of our tiny library).
But today I had a new idea. The three books pictured here have all been featured on Circa 1850 (see the links below if you are curious enough to read what I wrote about each). I would so enjoy hearing what you think of these books too. So, if you will agree to read the book, then write me a letter (or perhaps a “guest-post”) telling me what you thought, I will engage to send you any of the following:
Far From the Madding Crowd, by Thomas Hardy
Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson
To request a book, just leave a comment on this post, and I will arrange to collect your mailing address. Or, if I know you in person and you’re in the New York area, I can deliver it in person. Be quick about it though — if I don’t hear from anyone in the next week or so, I will be forced to donate the books as usual. There just isn’t room here to let them hang around too long!
P.S. While I would be tickled to send one of these to a reader overseas, I’d have to ask for a little help with postage. They’re rather weighty, and US Media Mail (which offers reduced rate for mailing books) isn’t an international option.
Speaking of Sir Walter Scott, I am reading “Lady of the Lake” right now, and would be glad to write a little something about it for your blog when I finish, although it’s not one of the items offered here.
Yes! I adore “Lady of the Lake” and would be honored to feature your review. I had a plot once to stage a series of photographs of Ellen Douglas in various dramatic scenes throughout the City’s parks. Or maybe watercolors. Or maybe a silent movie.